Source code for django_mailbox.models

#!/usr/bin/env python

Models declaration for application ``django_mailbox``.
import gzip
from email.encoders import encode_base64
from email.message import Message as EmailMessage
from email.utils import formatdate, parseaddr
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlparse
from quopri import encode as encode_quopri
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import email
import logging
import mimetypes
import os.path
import sys
import uuid
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import django
from django.conf import settings as django_settings
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile, File
from django.core.mail.message import make_msgid
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.timezone import now

from django_mailbox import utils
from django_mailbox.signals import message_received
from django_mailbox.transports import Pop3Transport, ImapTransport, \
    MaildirTransport, MboxTransport, BabylTransport, MHTransport, \
    MMDFTransport, GmailImapTransport, Office365Transport

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MailboxQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    def get_new_mail(self):
        count = 0
        for mailbox in self.all():
            logger.debug('Receiving mail for %s' % mailbox)
            count += sum(1 for i in mailbox.get_new_mail())
        logger.debug('Received %d %s.', count, 'mails' if count != 1 else 'mail')

class MailboxManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return MailboxQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db)

class ActiveMailboxManager(MailboxManager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return super().get_queryset().filter(

[docs]class Mailbox(models.Model): name = models.CharField( _('Name'), max_length=255, ) uri = models.CharField( _('URI'), max_length=255, help_text=(_( "Example: imap+ssl://myusername:mypassword@someserver <br />" "<br />" "Internet transports include 'imap' and 'pop3'; " "common local file transports include 'maildir', 'mbox', " "and less commonly 'babyl', 'mh', and 'mmdf'. <br />" "<br />" "Be sure to urlencode your username and password should they " "contain illegal characters (like @, :, etc)." )), blank=True, null=True, default=None, ) from_email = models.CharField( _('From email'), max_length=255, help_text=(_( "Example: MailBot &lt;;<br />" "'From' header to set for outgoing email.<br />" "<br />" "If you do not use this e-mail inbox for outgoing mail, this " "setting is unnecessary.<br />" "If you send e-mail without setting this, your 'From' header will'" "be set to match the setting `DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`." )), blank=True, null=True, default=None, ) active = models.BooleanField( _('Active'), help_text=(_( "Check this e-mail inbox for new e-mail messages during polling " "cycles. This checkbox does not have an effect upon whether " "mail is collected here when this mailbox receives mail from a " "pipe, and does not affect whether e-mail messages can be " "dispatched from this mailbox. " )), blank=True, default=True, ) last_polling = models.DateTimeField( _("Last polling"), help_text=(_("The time of last successful polling for messages." "It is blank for new mailboxes and is not set for " "mailboxes that only receive messages via a pipe.")), blank=True, null=True ) objects = MailboxManager() active_mailboxes = ActiveMailboxManager() @property def _protocol_info(self): return urlparse(self.uri) @property def _query_string(self): return parse_qs(self._protocol_info.query) @property def _domain(self): return self._protocol_info.hostname @property def port(self): """Returns the port to use for fetching messages.""" return self._protocol_info.port @property def username(self): """Returns the username to use for fetching messages.""" return unquote(self._protocol_info.username) @property def password(self): """Returns the password to use for fetching messages.""" return unquote(self._protocol_info.password) @property def location(self): """Returns the location (domain and path) of messages.""" return self._domain if self._domain else '' + self._protocol_info.path @property def type(self): """Returns the 'transport' name for this mailbox.""" scheme = self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() if '+' in scheme: return scheme.split('+')[0] return scheme @property def use_ssl(self): """Returns whether or not this mailbox's connection uses SSL.""" return '+ssl' in self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() @property def use_tls(self): """Returns whether or not this mailbox's connection uses STARTTLS.""" return '+tls' in self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() @property def archive(self): """Returns (if specified) the folder to archive messages to.""" archive_folder = self._query_string.get('archive', None) if not archive_folder: return None return archive_folder[0] @property def folder(self): """Returns (if specified) the folder to fetch mail from.""" folder = self._query_string.get('folder', None) if not folder: return None return folder[0] @property def client_id(self): """Returns (if specified) the client id for Office365.""" client_id = self._query_string.get('client_id', None) if not client_id: return None return client_id[0] @property def client_secret(self): """Returns (if specified) the client secret for Office365.""" client_secret = self._query_string.get('client_secret', None) if not client_secret: return None return client_secret[0] @property def tenant_id(self): """Returns (if specified) the tenant id for Office365.""" tenant_id = self._query_string.get('tenant_id', None) if not tenant_id: return None return tenant_id[0]
[docs] def get_connection(self): """Returns the transport instance for this mailbox. These will always be instances of `django_mailbox.transports.base.EmailTransport`. """ if not self.uri: return None elif self.type == 'imap': conn = ImapTransport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=self.use_ssl, tls=self.use_tls, archive=self.archive, folder=self.folder ) conn.connect(self.username, self.password) elif self.type == 'gmail': conn = GmailImapTransport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=True, archive=self.archive ) conn.connect(self.username, self.password) elif self.type == 'pop3': conn = Pop3Transport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=self.use_ssl ) conn.connect(self.username, self.password) elif self.type == 'office365': conn = Office365Transport( self.location, self.username, folder=self.folder, archive=self.archive ) conn.connect(self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.tenant_id) elif self.type == 'maildir': conn = MaildirTransport(self.location) elif self.type == 'mbox': conn = MboxTransport(self.location) elif self.type == 'babyl': conn = BabylTransport(self.location) elif self.type == 'mh': conn = MHTransport(self.location) elif self.type == 'mmdf': conn = MMDFTransport(self.location) return conn
[docs] def process_incoming_message(self, message): """Process a message incoming to this mailbox.""" msg = self._process_message(message) if msg is None: return None msg.outgoing = False message_received.send(sender=self, message=msg) return msg
[docs] def record_outgoing_message(self, message): """Record an outgoing message associated with this mailbox.""" msg = self._process_message(message) if msg is None: return None msg.outgoing = True return msg
def _get_dehydrated_message(self, msg, record): settings = utils.get_settings() new = EmailMessage() if msg.is_multipart(): for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value for part in msg.get_payload(): new.attach( self._get_dehydrated_message(part, record) ) elif ( settings['strip_unallowed_mimetypes'] and not msg.get_content_type() in settings['allowed_mimetypes'] ): for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value # Delete header, otherwise when attempting to deserialize the # payload, it will be expecting a body for this. del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] new[settings['altered_message_header']] = ( 'Stripped; Content type %s not allowed' % ( msg.get_content_type() ) ) new.set_payload('') elif ( ( msg.get_content_type() not in settings['text_stored_mimetypes'] ) or ('attachment' in msg.get('Content-Disposition', '')) ): filename = None raw_filename = msg.get_filename() if raw_filename: filename = utils.convert_header_to_unicode(raw_filename) if not filename: extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(msg.get_content_type()) else: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension: extension = '.bin' attachment = MessageAttachment() uuid.uuid4().hex + extension, ContentFile( BytesIO( msg.get_payload(decode=True) ).getvalue() ) ) attachment.message = record for key, value in msg.items(): attachment[key] = value placeholder = EmailMessage() placeholder[ settings['attachment_interpolation_header'] ] = str( new = placeholder else: content_charset = msg.get_content_charset() if not content_charset: content_charset = 'ascii' try: # Make sure that the payload can be properly decoded in the # defined charset, if it can't, let's mash some things # inside the payload :-\ msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode(content_charset) except LookupError: logger.warning( "Unknown encoding %s; interpreting as ASCII!", content_charset ) msg.set_payload( msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode( 'ascii', 'ignore' ) ) except ValueError: logger.warning( "Decoding error encountered; interpreting %s as ASCII!", content_charset ) msg.set_payload( msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode( 'ascii', 'ignore' ) ) new = msg return new def _process_message(self, message): msg = Message() msg._email_object = message settings = utils.get_settings() if settings['store_original_message']: self._process_save_original_message(message, msg) msg.mailbox = self if 'subject' in message: msg.subject = ( utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['subject'])[0:255] ) if 'message-id' in message: msg.message_id = message['message-id'][0:255].strip() if 'from' in message: msg.from_header = utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['from']) if 'to' in message: msg.to_header = utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['to']) elif 'Delivered-To' in message: msg.to_header = utils.convert_header_to_unicode( message['Delivered-To'] ) message = self._get_dehydrated_message(message, msg) try: body = message.as_string() except KeyError as exc: # email.message.replace_header may raise 'KeyError' if the header # 'content-transfer-encoding' is missing logger.warning("Failed to parse message: %s", exc,) return None msg.set_body(body) if message['in-reply-to']: try: msg.in_reply_to = Message.objects.filter( message_id=message['in-reply-to'].strip() )[0] except IndexError: pass return msg def _process_save_original_message(self, message, msg): settings = utils.get_settings() if settings['compress_original_message']: with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".eml.gz") as fp_tmp: with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp_tmp, mode="w") as fp: fp.write(message.as_string().encode('utf-8')) "{}.eml.gz".format(uuid.uuid4()), File(fp_tmp), save=False ) else: '%s.eml' % uuid.uuid4(), ContentFile(message.as_string()), save=False )
[docs] def get_new_mail(self, condition=None): """Connect to this transport and fetch new messages.""" new_mail = [] connection = self.get_connection() if not connection: return for message in connection.get_message(condition): msg = self.process_incoming_message(message) if not msg is None: yield msg self.last_polling = now() if django.VERSION >= (1, 5): # Django 1.5 introduces update_fields['last_polling']) else:
[docs] @staticmethod def get_new_mail_all_mailboxes(args=None): mailboxes = Mailbox.active_mailboxes.all() if args: mailboxes = mailboxes.filter( name=' '.join(args) ) for mailbox in mailboxes: 'Gathering messages for %s', ) messages = mailbox.get_new_mail() for message in messages: 'Received %s (from %s)', message.subject, message.from_address )
def __str__(self): return class Meta: verbose_name = _('Mailbox') verbose_name_plural = _('Mailboxes')
class IncomingMessageManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return super().get_queryset().filter( outgoing=False, ) class OutgoingMessageManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return super().get_queryset().filter( outgoing=True, ) class UnreadMessageManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return super().get_queryset().filter( read=None )
[docs]class Message(models.Model): mailbox = models.ForeignKey( Mailbox, related_name='messages', verbose_name=_('Mailbox'), on_delete=models.CASCADE ) subject = models.CharField( _('Subject'), max_length=255 ) message_id = models.CharField( _('Message ID'), max_length=255 ) in_reply_to = models.ForeignKey( 'django_mailbox.Message', related_name='replies', blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('In reply to'), on_delete=models.CASCADE ) from_header = models.CharField( _('From header'), max_length=255, ) to_header = models.TextField( _('To header'), ) outgoing = models.BooleanField( _('Outgoing'), default=False, blank=True, ) body = models.TextField( _('Body'), ) encoded = models.BooleanField( _('Encoded'), default=False, help_text=_('True if the e-mail body is Base64 encoded'), ) processed = models.DateTimeField( _('Processed'), auto_now_add=True ) read = models.DateTimeField( _('Read'), default=None, blank=True, null=True, ) eml = models.FileField( _('Raw message contents'), null=True, upload_to="messages", help_text=_('Original full content of message') ) objects = models.Manager() unread_messages = UnreadMessageManager() incoming_messages = IncomingMessageManager() outgoing_messages = OutgoingMessageManager() @property def address(self): """Property allowing one to get the relevant address(es). In earlier versions of this library, the model had an `address` field storing the e-mail address from which a message was received. During later refactorings, it became clear that perhaps storing sent messages would also be useful, so the address field was replaced with two separate fields. """ addresses = [] addresses = self.to_addresses + self.from_address return addresses @property def from_address(self): """Returns the address (as a list) from which this message was received .. note:: This was once (and probably should be) a string rather than a list, but in a pull request received long, long ago it was changed; presumably to make the interface identical to that of `to_addresses`. """ if self.from_header: return [parseaddr(self.from_header)[1].lower()] else: return [] @property def to_addresses(self): """Returns a list of addresses to which this message was sent.""" addresses = [] for address in self.to_header.split(','): if address: addresses.append( parseaddr( address )[1].lower() ) return addresses
[docs] def reply(self, message): """Sends a message as a reply to this message instance. Although Django's e-mail processing will set both Message-ID and Date upon generating the e-mail message, we will not be able to retrieve that information through normal channels, so we must pre-set it. """ if not message.from_email: if self.mailbox.from_email: message.from_email = self.mailbox.from_email else: message.from_email = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL message.extra_headers['Message-ID'] = make_msgid() message.extra_headers['Date'] = formatdate() message.extra_headers['In-Reply-To'] = self.message_id.strip() message.send() return self.mailbox.record_outgoing_message( email.message_from_string( message.message().as_string() ) )
@property def text(self): """ Returns the message body matching content type 'text/plain'. """ return utils.get_body_from_message( self.get_email_object(), 'text', 'plain' ).replace('=\n', '').strip() @property def html(self): """ Returns the message body matching content type 'text/html'. """ return utils.get_body_from_message( self.get_email_object(), 'text', 'html' ).replace('\n', '').strip() def _rehydrate(self, msg): new = EmailMessage() settings = utils.get_settings() if msg.is_multipart(): for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value for part in msg.get_payload(): new.attach( self._rehydrate(part) ) elif settings['attachment_interpolation_header'] in msg.keys(): try: attachment = MessageAttachment.objects.get( pk=msg[settings['attachment_interpolation_header']] ) for header, value in attachment.items(): new[header] = value encoding = new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] if encoding and encoding.lower() == 'quoted-printable': # Cannot use `email.encoders.encode_quopri due to # bug 14360: output = BytesIO() encode_quopri( BytesIO( ), output, quotetabs=True, header=False, ) new.set_payload( output.getvalue().decode().replace(' ', '=20') ) del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'quoted-printable' else: new.set_payload( ) del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] encode_base64(new) except MessageAttachment.DoesNotExist: new[settings['altered_message_header']] = ( 'Missing; Attachment %s not found' % ( msg[settings['attachment_interpolation_header']] ) ) new.set_payload('') else: for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value new.set_payload( msg.get_payload() ) return new
[docs] def get_body(self): """Returns the `body` field of this record. This will automatically base64-decode the message contents if they are encoded as such. """ if self.encoded: return base64.b64decode(self.body.encode('ascii')) return self.body.encode('utf-8')
[docs] def set_body(self, body): """Set the `body` field of this record. This will automatically base64-encode the message contents to circumvent a limitation in earlier versions of Django in which no fields existed for storing arbitrary bytes. """ self.encoded = True self.body = base64.b64encode(body.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii')
[docs] def get_email_object(self): """Returns an `email.message.EmailMessage` instance representing the contents of this message and all attachments. See [email.message.EmailMessage]_ for more information as to what methods and properties are available on `email.message.EmailMessage` instances. .. note:: Depending upon the storage methods in use (specifically -- whether ``DJANGO_MAILBOX_STORE_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE`` is set to ``True``, this may either create a "rehydrated" message using stored attachments, or read the message contents stored on-disk. .. [email.message.EmailMessage] Python's `email.message.EmailMessage` docs ( """ if not hasattr(self, '_email_object'): # Cache fill if self.eml: if'.gz'): body = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=self.eml).read() else: body = self.eml.close() else: body = self.get_body() flat = email.message_from_bytes(body) self._email_object = self._rehydrate(flat) return self._email_object
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Delete this message and all stored attachments.""" for attachment in self.attachments.all(): # This attachment is attached only to this message. attachment.delete() return super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return self.subject class Meta: verbose_name = _('E-mail message') verbose_name_plural = _('E-mail messages')
[docs]class MessageAttachment(models.Model): message = models.ForeignKey( Message, related_name='attachments', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Message'), on_delete=models.CASCADE ) headers = models.TextField( _('Headers'), null=True, blank=True, ) document = models.FileField( _('Document'), upload_to=utils.get_attachment_save_path, )
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Deletes the attachment.""" self.document.delete() return super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_rehydrated_headers(self): headers = self.headers if headers is None: return EmailMessage() return email.message_from_string(headers) def _set_dehydrated_headers(self, email_object): self.headers = email_object.as_string() def __delitem__(self, name): rehydrated = self._get_rehydrated_headers() del rehydrated[name] self._set_dehydrated_headers(rehydrated) def __setitem__(self, name, value): rehydrated = self._get_rehydrated_headers() rehydrated[name] = value self._set_dehydrated_headers(rehydrated)
[docs] def get_filename(self): """Returns the original filename of this attachment.""" file_name = self._get_rehydrated_headers().get_filename() if isinstance(file_name, str): result = utils.convert_header_to_unicode(file_name) if result is None: return file_name return result else: return None
[docs] def items(self): return self._get_rehydrated_headers().items()
def __getitem__(self, name): value = self._get_rehydrated_headers()[name] if value is None: raise KeyError('Header %s does not exist' % name) return value def __str__(self): return self.document.url class Meta: verbose_name = _('Message attachment') verbose_name_plural = _('Message attachments')